February Felting


Some pictures of today’s felt-group-meeting with the girls on our terrace, in beautiful warm sunshine and in remembrance of Khadija, one of the girls who died a few weeks ago at the very young age of 18 from a hard winter cold, mashaallah.
« Inna Lillahi oua inna ilaihi rajeoon »

Blissful sunny weekend to you and yours! masalama.

7 thoughts on “February Felting

  1. Danke für deinen Kommentar auf meinem Blog! So habe ich auf deine schöne Seite gefunden. Wundervolle und sehr interessante Einblicke zeigst du da!
    Schön zu sehen, welch hübsches Filzstück in gemeinsamer Arbeit entstanden ist und traurig zu hören, was Khadija passiert ist.
    Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz

  2. ameen to the dua…may Allah ta’al raise her rank in Jannah ameen…
    the felting looks so beautiful, and what a beautiful view…
    may allah bless all of yur efforts done for His sake…ameen

  3. MashaAllah! I am so glad you left me a comment so i can follow you here, I am loveing everything mashaAllah. Your so talented, I love felting and would love to try my hand at it in the future inshaAllah!

    SubhanAllah about your friend, it’s very rare to hear about someone passing away from a severe form of cold. May Allah grant her the highest rank in Jannah with our beloved, and give her family patience amin.


  4. Salamalykum
    Nice to see you posting again, I wish you a wonderful winter and happy days

    Umm Khadidja from Algeria

  5. mashaAllah the felting is beautiful…i thought of you when i met a lady here in south africa who makes n sells beautiful felted shoes for babies and adults. she had a cute multi coloured one with lil bells hanging from it…

    may Allah grant Khadijah the highest stages of jannah. Aameen

  6. Wie traurig! Dass man daran noch immer steren kann… Erschreckend…
    Und die Natur um dich herum ist so EIN GESCHENK! Ich beneide dich sehr darum, dass du so leben darfst…
    bora aus der Schweiz

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