
We read a lot around here. Some books go through our hands without any marks or remarkable notes in them. But others are really treasured, read forth and back many times.
Several books became great sources of knowledge or provide us with inspiration and comfort, alhamdulillah
(Note: We do read all sorts of books, no matter if the writer is Muslim or not, but we are always treating new content very critically and carefully, in respect to our religion, Islam).

So, this is my list of selected books, which I read and really recommend – I have linked most of them directly to, so you can easily find and buy them online – I presonally prefer to buy real paper-books in real bookstores, but due to where we live, I also enjoy the comfort of a Kindle-e-reader, being able to buy books whenever I want, with just a click… :

Currently Reading:

Here is a list of books, authors and even movies, I would recommend during these times of profound social transition -They can help to learn how to shift our focus and to look beyond.

Abraham Hicks (and all books of Esther and Jerry Hicks);
Richard Dotts (all books);
Peta Kelly “Earth is hiring;
Rhonda Byrne’s books;
Louise L. Hay (all books auf deutsch und in english) ;
Catherine Ponder;
Mohammed Faris productive Muslim ;
Gill Edwards;
Genevieve Behrend;
Florence Scovel-Shinn;
Brené Brown;
Napoleon Hill: „Think and grow rich” (with peace of mind);
Deepak Chopra;
Wallace. D. Wattles;
Binimad Al-Ateeqi “The law of attraction and Islam”;
M.B.Rosenberg “Nonviolent Communication”;
Orison Swett Marden: „Every Man a King“;
Prentice Mulford: “Your forces and how to use them”;
Emil Coué;
Andrew Kap “The last law of attraction books you’ll ever need to read”;
Gabrielle Bernstein;
Dain Heer and Gary M-Douglas;
Eckhart Tolle;
Thomas L.Pauley “Rich beyond my wildest dreams”;
Colin C. Tipping : « Radical Forgiveness »;
Sark: “Succulent wild woman”;
Marianne Williamson;
Shakti Gawain “creative visualization” and “living in the light”;
Dr.Viktor Frankl: “Men’s search for Meaning”;
Byron Katie: “The Work”;
Dr.Wayne Dyer;
Lester Levenson;
Caroline A.Shearer “Raise your vibration”;
Gary Chapman “The 5 love languages”;

For German readers, many of the books are available in German, and these are especially for you:

Laura Malina Seiler;
Matthias Exl: “Befreie dich selbst!”;
Fabian Wollschläger;
Daniel u. Käthy Zindel “Lieben, leiten, leben: Das Ehebuch für Führungskräfte”
Veith Lindau;
Dr. Frank Oberle;
Elisabeth Lukas: “Sehnsucht nach Sinn”;
Boglarka Hardinger;
Alexander Jantzer;
Paul Maar “Das Sams” (Kindergeschichten – lerne richtig zu wünschen);

Inspirational movies/ documentations:
“The Secret”;
“You can heal your life”;
“14 peaks Nims Purja”;

…And many many more authors and books, e.g. from Hay-House-Publishing;
just google for “Law of attraction”, “New thought”; “Quantum physics”, etc.

Islamic Books:

The holy Qur’an / Der heilige Koran (be careful to take a translation that its legislated by official Islamic authorities)

Amir Zaidan: “Fiqh ul Ibaadat”

“Al kutub as-Sitta” – “Hadithauswahl, Von der Sunna des Propheten” (Islamische Bibliothek)

Sahih al-Buchari and Sahih al-Muslim – Pophetic Hadith and Traditions

An-Nawawi : “Forty Hadith and Ryad-us-Salihin – the gardens of the pious/ Gärten der Tugendhaften”

At-Tirmidhi: “So war der Prophet”

Mohammed Rida Beshir: “Meeting the challenge of parenting in the West” / „Kindererziehung im Westen“

Fatima M. D’Oyen “the miracle of life/Wunder des Lebens”

Aisha Hamdan „Wie man den Glauben bei Kindern fördert“

Darussalam Publishers: “The Muslim Home”, “Do not become angry”, “Enjoy your life”

Naima B. Roberts: “From my sister’s lips”

Khurram Murad: “In the early hours”

Murad Wilfried Hofmann: “Islam. The Alternative” / “Islam als Alternaive”

Murad Wilfried Hofmann: “Journey to Makkah” / “Reise nach Mekka”

Murad Wilfried Hofmann: “Journal d’un Musulman allemand”

Mohammed Faris “The productive Muslim”

Ibn Katheer: “Stories of the Prophets”

Mirza Yawar Baig: „Leadership lessons from the life of Rasoolullah“

Deepak Chopra: “Muhammad, a story of the last prophet”

Darussalam Publishers: “Strategies of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)” and “Prophet Muhammad as a teacher”

Harun Yahya:

Pregnancy, Parenting, Child-Education and Homeschooling Books:

Jean Liedloff: “The continuum concept” / “Auf der Suche nach dem verlorenen Glück”

Ina May Gaskin: “Spiritual Midwifery” (from the Hippy-ages, very good but very permissive pictures!)

Ina May Gaskin:  “Ina May’s guide to childbirth” / “Die selbstbestimmte Geburt”

Milli Hill “The positive birth book”

Laura Shanley “Unassisted Childbirth”

Anita Evensen “The unassisted baby”

Sarah Buckley “Gentle Birth, gentle Mothering”

Shannon Brown “Natural Birth Stories”

Sarah Morgan “Unhindered Childbirth”

Ingeborg Stadelmann:    “A consultation with a midwife” / “Die Hebammensprechstunde”

Rahima Baldwin Dancy: “You are your child’s first teacher”

Elaine Faber / Adele Mazlish: ”How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk”

Myla and Jon Kabat-Zinn: “Everyday Blessings” / “Mit Kindern wachsen”

Naomi Aldort: “Raising our children, raising ourselves” / “Von der Erziehung zur Einfühlung”

Barbara J. Patterson: “Beyond the Rainbow bridge”

Carolyn Nutall/Janet Millington “Outdoor classrooms”

Stiftung Silviva “Draussen unterrichten”

A.S. Neill: “Summerhill, a radical approach to child rearing” / “Summerhill”

Michaela Glöckler /Wolfgang Goebel: “A guide to child health” / “Die Kindersprechstunde”

Michaela Glöckler:  “ Die Elternsprechstunde”

Rebeca Wild: “ Erziehung zum Sein”

Rebeca Wild: “ Kinder im Pesta”

Rebeca Wild: “ Sein zum Erziehen”

Rebeca Wild: “ Freiheit und Grenzen, Liebe und Respekt“

Rebeca Wild: “Raising Curious, creative, confident kids”

Thomas Gordon: “Parent effectiveness training” / “die Familienkonferenz”

Jesper Juul: „Your competent child” / „Das kompetente Kind“ und “Pubertät”

Jesper Juul “Leitwölfe sein”

Maria Montessori: „Secret of childhood“ / “Kinder sind anders“

John Holt: “How children fail”

John Holt: “How children learn” / “Wie kleine Kinder schlau werden”

Dr.David Elkind: “The hurried child”

R.H. Largo: “Schülerjahre” / “Kinderjahre”

Teri Maxwell: “Managers of their Homes”

Frans Carlgren: “Erziehung zur Freiheit” /”Education towards freedom”

Boglarka Hardinger: “Mut zum Leben machen”

Mary Griffith: “The unschooling handbook”

Jürgen Reichen: “Hannah hat Kino im Kopf”

Lucy Calkins: “Raising lifelong learners”

Elma Ruth Harder: ”Concentric circles” (Homeschooling for Muslim families)

Aisha Hamdan „Wie man den Glauben bei Kindern fördert“

Stefanie Mohsine: “Schulfrei”

Fabrice Dini: “Grandir en s’épanouissant”

Self Sufficiency, Natural Living Books :

John Seymour: “The new complete book of self-sufficiency” / “Das Grosse Buch vom Leben auf dem Land”

John Seymour: “the fat of the land”

Grüner Zweig 66: “Handbuch für Selbstversorger” und “Haltbarmach-Almanach”

Sepp Holzer: „Wo ein Wille, da ein Weg“

Wolf-Dieter Storl: “Ich bin ein Teil des Waldes” und „Mit Pflanzen verbunden“

Wolf Dieter-Storl: “Der Selbstversorger”

Masanobu Fukuoka: „The one straw revolution“/ “ Der große Weg hat kein Tor”

Susanne Fischer-Rizzi: “Mit der Wildnis verbunden”

Joseph Jenkins:  „the humanure handbook“

Alys Fowler “Abundance” /”Erntezeit”

Maria Thun: “Gärtnern mit dem Mond”

Abigail R.Gehring:   “the back to basics handbook”

Nicole Faires:  “Homesteading”

Mawa: “Querweltein- ein Handbuch nicht nur für Pfadfinder”

Interior-, Architecture and Design Books:

Daniel Chiras:  “ The natural house”

Gernot Minke: “Das Lehmbau Handbuch”

Jane Alexander „The spirit of home“

Martina Goernemann “Zuhause ist ein Gefühl”

Marie Kondo “The life changing magic of tidying”

Creative, Family-Life, Crafting and Cooking-Books:

Amanda Blake Soule: “The creative family”

Amanda Blake Soule: “Handmade Home”

Amanda Blake Soule: „the rhythm of family“

Suss Cousin: “Hollywood Knits”

Amy Karol: “Bend the rules sewing”

Karin Neuschütz: “Making Waldorf Dolls” / “Das Puppenbuch”

Sarah Wilson: “I quit sugar” , “I quit sugar for life” and the cookbooks that followed

GU-Kochbücher der “Basic”-Reihe, “Basic-Cooking”, “Basic Baking”, “Natural Basics”

Kiehnle Kochbuch

Children and Picture Books:

Katie Daisy: “How to be a wildflower”

Eric Carle: “The very hungry caterpillar” / “Die kleine Raupe Nimmersatt”

Astrid Lindgren: all books / alle Bücher

Ali Mitgutsch: all books (no text) / alle Bücher (keine Texte)

Paul Maar: “Eine Woche voller Samstage”

Leo Leonni: “Frederick”

Elsa Beskow: all books / alle Bücher

Sybille von Olfers: all books / alle Bücher

Lena Anderson / Christina Björk: all books / alle Bücher

Michael Ende: “Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer”

Janosch: “The trip to Panama” / “Oh wie schön ist Panama”

Personal Development, Psychology and Self-Help-Books , Law of Attraction LOA: 

Louise L.Hay:  all books / alle Bücher, especially those:
“You can heal your life” / “Gesundheit für Körper und Seele”
“The power is within you” / „Wahre Kraft kommt von Innen”

Matthias Exl: “Befreie dich selbst!”

Napoleon Hill: „Think and grow rich” (with peace of mind)“ and all the other books

Catherine Ponder: “The dynamic laws of prosperity” and all her other books

M.B.Rosenberg “Nonviolent Communication”

M.B.Rosenberg “Being me, loving you”

Orison Swett Marden: all books, especially this: „Every Man a King“/ “Die Macht des Gedanken”

Prentice Mulford: all books, especially this: “Your forces and how to use them” / “Meisterschaft des Lebens”

Emil Coué: “Selbstheilung und Seelenerziehung durch Autosuggestion”

Eckhart Tolle: „A new erath“/ „Eine neue Erde“ and „The power of Now“/ „Jetzt!“

Colin C. Tipping : « Radical Forgiveness » / « Ich vergebe »

Sark: “Succulent wild woman”

Shakti Gawain “creative visualisation” and “living in the light”

Susan Forward: “Toxic Parents” / “Vergiftete Kindheit”

Elisabeth Lukas: “Sehnsucht nach Sinn”

Elisabeth Lukas: “Lehrbuch der Logotherapie”

Dr.Viktor Frankl: “Men’s search for Meaning”

Gill Edwards “Living Magically”

Gill Edwards: “Pure Bliss”

Genevieve Behrend`s Books

Jackee Holder: “Be your own best lifecoach”

Anthony Robbins “Unlimited Power”

Byron Katie: “The Work”

Wallace D.Wattles “The science of getting rich”

Laura Malina Seiler “Mögest du glücklich sein” und “Schön, dass es dich gibt!”

Gary M.Douglas “Money is not the problem”

Fiction and Stories:

Khalil Gibran: ”the Prophet” / “ Der Prophet”

Christian Signol:  “Marie des Brébis”

Greg Mortenson : « Three cups of tea »

Paulo Coelho: ”The Alchemist” / “Der Alchimist”

Marlo Morgan: “Traumfänger” / “Mutant Message”

Lucy-Maud Montgomery: “Anne of Green Gables”

Joanne K.Rowling:           “Harry Potter”  (Hörbuch gelesen von Rufus Beck)

J.R.R. Tolkien:                   “Lord of the rings” / “Herr der Ringe”

Medicine and Health Books

Maria Treben : «Gesundheit aus der Apotheke Gottes » / « Health from God’s garden »

Gunther H.Heepen: GU-Kompass-Bücher Schüssler Salze

Sven Sommer: GU-Kompass-Bücher Homöopathie

Catherine Ponder: “The dynamic laws of healing” and “the healing secrets of the ages”

Emil Coué: “Selbstheilung und Seelenerziehung durch Autosuggestion”

Orison Swett Marden: „Kraft, Gesundheit und Wohlstand“

Ramiel Nagel: “Cure tooth decay”

Sarah Wilson: “Quit Sugar” / “Goodbye Zucker”

William Davis: “Wheat Belly” / “Weizenwampe”

Louise Hay: “All is well” / “Gesund sein” , “You can heal your life” / “Gesundheit für Körper und Seele”

Bernard Long: “Vivre avec l’homéopathie”

Susanne Fischer-Rizzi: “Medicine of the earth” / “Medizin der Erde”

Deepak Chopra: “Die Körperseele”

Dana Schwandt “Dein Neuanfang mit Ayurveda”

Books about Deafness:

Karin Kestner: “Diagnose Hörgeschädigt”

Monika Köhnen: “So können wir uns besser verständigen”

Gisela Batliner: “Hörgeschädigte Kinder… ” (beide Bücher)

Susanne Diller: “Unser Kind ist hörgeschädigt”

IVT editions: “Dictionaire bilingue” (french sign language)

Sibylle Gurtner-May: “Ina hört anders” (children book)

“Hand in Hand die Welt begreifen” (Klett Kinderbuch)

Oliver Sacks: „Stumme Stimmen“

Leadership, Management, Entrepreneur-Books:

Frederic Laloux: “Reinventing Organizations”

Deepak Chopra: “Spiritual Leadership” / “Mit dem Herzen führen” and “the seven spiritual laws of success”/ “Die sieben geistigen Gesetze des Erfolgs”

Stefan Merath “Der Weg zum erfolgreichen Unternehmer”, “Dein Wille geschehe” und “Die Kunst deine Kunden zu lieben”

Peter F.Drucker „Managing the non profit organisation“

Peter F.Drucker „The effective executive“

Peter F.Drucker „The practice of management“

Michael E.Gerber: “The E-myth”

Reinhard K.Sprenger “Radikal Führen”

Muhammad Yunus: “Social Business”

Mohammed Faris “The productive Muslim”

Mike Fischer: “Erfolg hat wer die Regeln bricht”

Orison Swett Marden: all books

Napoleon Hill: “Think and grow rich” and all other books

Mirza Yawar Baig: „Leadership lessons from the life of Rasoolullah“

Richard Branson: “Like a virgin” and “Losing my virginity”

Bill Hybels: “Courageous Leadership”

Stephen R. Covey “Principle centered leadership”


W.D.Storl: “Ich bin ein Teil des Waldes”

Reinhold Messner: “Über Leben”

Bobby Dekeyser: “Unverkäuflich”

Ibrahim Abouleish: “Die Sekem Vision – eine Begegnung zwischen Orient und Okkzident”

Paul Peacock: “A good life – the John Seymour Story”

Jotiar Bamarni: “Muhammad”

Emmanuelle Laborit: “Der Schrei der Möwe” /”the cry of the gull” /”le cri de la mouette”

Christian Hlade “Wandern wirkt!”

Richard Branson: “Like a virgin” and “Losing my virginity”

Mike Fischer: “Erfolg hat wer die Regeln bricht”