a documentary film about work and togetherness

dear Arabic and French-speaking friends, I proudly and humbly present you here the link to a documentary film about our work and togetherness at the campus vivant’e.

This film was shot here last year in several stages. It is less an educational film, but rather a portrait of different people and their stories intertwined around our school – touching, real, deeply human.

We will subtitle it also in English and German – I will let you know as soon as the work is finished, inchaallah.

Ce film a été tourné ici l’année dernière en plusieurs étapes. Il s’agit moins d’un film pédagogique que d’un portrait de différentes personnes et de leurs histoires entremêlées autour de notre école – touchant, réel, profondément humain.

Nous le sous-titrerons également en Anglais et en Allemand – je vous tiendrai au courant dès que le travail sera terminé, inchaallah.

Dieser Film wurde hier letztes Jahr in mehreren Etappen gedreht. Es ist weniger ein pädagogischer Film, sondern eher ein Porträt verschiedener Menschen und ihrer Geschichten, die sich um unsere Schule drehen – berührend, real, zutiefst menschlich.

Wir werden ihn auch auf Englisch und Deutsch untertiteln – ich werde euch informieren, sobald die Arbeit abgeschlossen ist, inchaallah.

Annual report & summer news

…off to relax some weeks of holidays …

I leave you with our newest annual report – a retrospective in pictures from our lively everyday at school: https://www.campusvivante.com/en/campus-vivante

you can download it here and there .

Wishing you a beautiful month of August! peace and light to all of you! salaam aleikoum, friends.

News and a break

Time to go offline for a little while. Taking a break. Breathing deeply. Seeing different things and taking a new perspective.

Looking forward to meet with the wonderful people of the rural-development-network open-village.org and to connect with other active villages around the country, inchaallah.

I wish you very relaxing summer weeks and leave you with our newest news and our annual report of the campus vivant’e (available in three languages) :

in Arabic: https://www.campusvivante.com/de/news/mid/471/details/2218/title/notre-rapport-annuel-2020-21-en-arabe, pdf Arabic

auf Deutsch: https://www.campusvivante.com/de/news/mid/471/details/2214/title/jahresbericht-2020-21 , pdf German

en Français: https://www.campusvivante.com/de/news/mid/471/details/2217/title/rapport-annuel-2020 , pdf French

Summertime, and the living is easy…

Another school-year at campus vivant’e is over, one full of change in the most incredible ways.
So many synchronizations happened over the last few months, that I sometimes just stand there, mouth and eyes wide open “Allahu akbar!”
Doors that suddenly opened, contacts that were arranged and opportunities we always dreamt of…

If you are interested in more details on our school and work, you can see the annual report in french here or german there .

I take now some weeks off, re-centering, refuel and strengthen myself again. Happy to have again more time for family, kids, friends and the garden, inchaallah.  And time to read, to spend in my lounge-chair, to ponder and to reflect.

I look forward to spend hours just reading, reading, reading and learning.
My absolute TOP favorite literature these days and since several months already are ALL books of Richard Dotts.

I cannot tell you, how much good they do to me, alhamdulillah. Just by reading them, I feel prosperous, joyful, light, energized and uplifted. I began with one, and then I really read all 30 books of him – what a gift of shared down-to earth-practicable-knowledge he offers! And I read them again, and again and again. Alhamdulillah.

Wishing you most beautiful summer-days and weeks full of magic and bliss.

Vulnerability and leadership

It’s been a while since I last wrote here …

so many incredible things are going on … development in so many areas :

inside myself and outside, at home, at our school, in our valley and the country.

I feel huge transformations on so many levels – transitions, innovations, paradigm shifts and change.
It is a time that asks for courage, for honesty, for vulnerability, for openness and trust – for leadership at its best.

It feels like a chance to “be the change you wanna see in the world” (Ghandi)

– provided that we are ready to work on ourselves first and to change internally.

I feel incredibly thankful to be invited to be part of that change.
I feel connected and alive, subhanallah.
Learning and growing together – What a gift, alhamdulillah.
Wishing you a blessed beginning of summer, with plenty of place to be wholeheartedly who you are, to learn and to grow.

“Those of us who are willing to rumble with vulnerability, live into our values, build trust, and learn to reset, will not be threatened by the rise of AI/the machines, because we will be part of the rise of daring leaders. ”
Brené Brown “Dare to lead”

The Bees

“And your Lord inspired the bees: “Make ˹your˺ homes in the mountains, the trees, and in what people construct,

and feed from ˹the flower of˺ any fruit ˹you please˺ and follow the ways your Lord has made easy for you.” From their bellies comes forth liquid of varying colours, in which there is healing for people. Surely in this is a sign for those who reflect.” (Qur’an Sura An-Nahl 16: 68,69)

A few days ago, a wild bee colony visited us and decided to stay. We keep already bees, but never so near on the campus. So off we are now, together with teachers and students, to beekeeping and learning more about these wonderful animals, subhanallah.

Spring is in full colour and there are signs of Allah’s magnificence and of the beauty of His creation everywhere.

Full moon is just over and half of the holy month of Ramadan as well. Mashaallah.
Time to re-adjust, re-define and re-focus spiritual goals for the second half of the month and most important time of the year.

Inchaallah, may Allah bless you and yours, accept your intentions, fasting, prayers and good deeds. May He shower the worlds with His mercy, facilitate our goals and ease our burden. Ameen and salamou aleikoum.

For teachers and parents of deaf children

As a mother of two hard-of-hearing-children, I have the immense pleasure to promote the invitation, shared by a dear friend from the Humboldt University Berlin.

A digital conference to present a program that will help us, inchaallah, to better help deaf children develop empathy, emotional intelligence and a deeper understanding of inner feelings that are sometimes so hard to express (in sign language):

Invitation to a Digital conference

“THE MIND READERS – A new training program to promote deaf and hard of hearing children’s Theory of Mind”

more on our work on deaf-education and inclusion here.



“As the global climate continues to warm, mountain people — some of the world’s poorest — face even greater struggles to survive….
Ecosystem degradation, loss of livelihoods and migration in mountains can lead to the abandonment of cultural practices and ancient traditions that have sustained biodiversity for generations.

Mountain biodiversity is the theme of this year’s International Mountain Day on December 11th, and the sustainable management of mountain biodiversity has been increasingly recognized as a global priority:
• are home to nearly 1 billion people;
• host 25% of biodiversity on land;
• provide key food crops & most of the world’s freshwater.

So let’s celebrate the rich biodiversity of mountains, as well as address the threats they face.
On Friday’s International Mountain Day, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) explains why mountains matter.”

Yes we do, yes we can!
our campus vivant’e – students on the occasion of the International Mountain Day planting 60 new Carob trees to support biodiversity and to leave sustainable footprints in our environment.

Welcome to the magnificent High Atlas Mountains of Morocco!


International days are occasions to educate the public on issues of concern, to mobilize political will and resources to address global problems, and to celebrate and reinforce achievements of humanity.
Celebrate this International Day 2020 with your community and friends preparing an event or joining the conversation on social media using the hashtag #MountainsMatter. Pass on some of the key messages, or share about the biodiversity in the mountains near you, or a photo of your favorite mountain.”

Source: https://www.un.org/en/observances/mountain-day 

the stunning beauty and bio-diversity of Géoparc UNESCO du M’Goun



Black holes @C-times and the Plenty of Ramadan

back to basic, back to real life.

Yesterday I had one of these black days – feeling totally depressed and down, as if I could feel the sorrow and pain of the whole world, mashaallah.
Maybe it was one of these normal downs on the amplitude of life, part of a certain high-sensitivity, feeling-torned by the discrepancies of thought being German living in Morocco;
or maybe it was caused by a menstrual mood-swing,
or influenced by the unexpected news that this school-year is totally cancelled now and schools in Morocco will not re-start until September…
Allahu aalem – anyway, I cried many tears and sat in deep hole of sadness.

Yes, I have these days as well.
And I know these moments are part of living – where there is light and joy, there is also shadow and sadness…
Since I acknowledge them instead of fighting’em or putting myself down because of my feelings, they pass much quicker, alhamdulillah.

So, yesterday I cried, a lot, and I mourned, and slowly I realized again that this extended slowdown and time-out, this forced deceleration, is what I wished for, deep inside. Alhamdulillah.
And I realized again, what great gift this is especially now during Ramadan.
How blessed are we!

The holy month is already two thirds over and we enter the ten most important days and most blessed nights of the whole year.
I decided to do now what is called Itikaaf in Islam: to withdraw.
I wanna withdraw from worldly news and try to totally detach and detox, spiritually and media-wise, for the next ten days, inchaallah, concentrating mainly on worship, prayer, gratitude, family and nature – back to the basics.

plenty of beauty everywhere, subhanallah!


But before I say good-bye for some days, I wanted to share some of the beautiful answers to our survey with you.
They show so beautifully what gifts C-times offer us all – so let’s practice gratitude for:

  • The time you get for free;
  • Back to the basics;
  • Focus on the essential things of life;
  • To really BE at home;
  • Time for contemplation;
  • Time for family;
  • Freedom, serenity, prosperity despite limitation;
  • Less stress;
  • Being confronted with one’s own self;
  • Realizing how less we need to be happy;
  • The slowing down of the speed of society;
  • Being much more relaxed;
  • Society’s moving in a positive direction in some areas;
  • That everything is quieter, slower and everyone tries to work together more solution-oriented;
  • More understanding and tolerance between people and nations…

Allahu akbar, I hope you also can experience those gifts.
I’ll pray for all of us.
I wish you all blessed days and nights.

I wish you peace, confidence and hope.
And I wish you time for yourself, for the essential things and time with those most important to you!

I close with some wonderful words of Amanda:
“Mamas, set the pace back to where it needs to be by going there yourselves,
so: Please, please, please go easy on yourselves….
I really believe that the best thing we can give our children (and therefore ourselves) right now is a sense of peace and safety. Teach them how to cook. Let them linger in books. Embrace boredom.
Just be together.
Be gentle and kind with yourselves – That might be the most important thing our children can learn from us right now.” 


Ramadan moubarak! Peace, health and light to the worlds!

Allahumma taqqabbal. Ameen.